Friday, June 20, 2014

What every working mom needs!

This post is a light hearted attempt to share some tips that have worked for me to make the working mommy balancing act a little easier. I use the word "sanity" in this post to show the intensity of the emotion one may feel when out of balance. I do however want to mention that if you are experiencing anxiety attacks or depression please seek help. I had to go to counseling this year for anxiety and God truly pulled me out. If you are looking for some tips to help restore a work life balance the post below may help. Happy reading. 

So this week I discovered something that I lost this year... MY SANITY! Yes everyone it is back and it only took a few days and three things to get it back. Some of you newbie working moms out there, like me, may think that I am joking. You may be saying "is it even possible to get your sanity back?". I am here to tell you that it is possible and with a few simple steps you to can be a sane mommy.

Tip # 1- Grocery Delivery
All you have to do is take out you smart phone and open your computer and you are instantly transported to the grocery store. You can roam the isle from the comfort of your couch, in your moo moo eating bon bons. Let me tell you this has sky rocketed my sanity level. Thank you peapod. Click the picture above and be transported to grocery shopping bliss. 

Tip # 2- House cleaning

So I was against this. Well honestly my  wallet was against this. My wallet and I had plenty of conversations that usually ended with "we cannont spend $300+ twice a week for this." That is until I found home joy. At 25 dollars an hour I think I have found my sanity answer number 2. The cleaner came to my house and spent 3 hours (totaling $75) to deep clean the kitchen and the bathrooms. Those were our yucky spots. But they do whatever you ask them to do. From bathroom cleaning to laundry. The opportunities are endless. 

Tip # 3- A week off/ or a weekend if you are not a teacher

I did the unthinkable. I committed the guilty working mommy no no. I, I, I sent my baby to daycare while I was home (gasp). Yea, that's right, I did it! And it was amazing. He had fun doing water play at daycare and I had fun...sitting! I had so much guilt about doing this that when winter break came I kept my little man home (while still paying for daycare for two weeks), Spring break came along (little dude was with me), finally the first week of summer break and I was EXHAUSTED! so I did the unimaginable. I set my mommy guilt to the side and I sent my little man off to daycare while I sat at home. And guess what, my sanity returned. It just fell right in my lap and said "Hello".

Try one or all three of these tips and I am sure you will be welcoming your sanity back in no time! Next week I will be writing about our first family vacation, which involves a 16 hour drive with a one year old. Hopefully my sanity wont take a vacation on my vacation lol.


  1. Those are some great ideas!! I love getting groceries delivered. When I first had Baby Doll, I was by myself so getting delivered groceries and/or order online and pick up was great. especially in the cold winter months, you don't want to drag the baby out. Housekeeping would have been great while in VA. I wish I had known about that sooner. Some weeks would go by and I couldn't even remember when the last time I vacuumed lol. Now that I am unemployed (please pray God helps me find the right job in my new location), cleaning is relaxing to me. On the days I wake Baby Doll early, I know she will nap in the afternoon, so I do laundry, vacuum, etc. I am also guilty as charged taking Baby Doll to daycare on a day off lol. Us mommies need to recharge, and we do not get the chance often to be "off" from both your job and mommy job lol. A girlfriend and I ended up going to the mall, getting lunch, getting our make-up done, and ended the day with margaritas When it was time to pick Baby Doll up I was recharged and couldn't be more happy to see her. giving her kisses and hugs, and asking about her day. All mommies deserve a day off

    1. Yes, grocery delivery is a God send, and it was great during maternity leave after my c-section. I will definitely pray for your job hunt. I know you will find something amazing. Have you thought about allowing adds on your blog to bring in some income? Or maybe even a vegan mommy recipe book. I am all for mommy entrepreneurs. And I ditto what you said about mommies have to recharge. Sometimes I think we think that to be a good mommy you have to be around your baby all the time. I am realizing that to be a good mommy you have to keep yourself healthy and not running yourself into the ground. The parenting business is tough stuff... but oh so fun!
