Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Taking time to enjoy life even more

So I have realized that being a working mommy means putting on the superwoman cape and only taking it off for the few (very few) hours you are sleeping. It can be quite tiring which means that it is even more necessary for you to plan moments to remind yourself that you have an identity other than ____'s mommy, _____'s wife, or _____'s teacher. So I have put together  list of things that I have done or plan on
doing to enjoy life even more. Maybe you can try some or leave a comment with other ideas about how you have fun a midst your mommy duties.

1. Paint night-sipping wine while painting horribly and then sipping wine some more until your horrible panting doesn't look half bad. If you do this with people you love it makes for seriously good times.

2. Sibling day- Nothing brings out the pre-baby you more than hanging out with your sibling. Or maybe that is just me because my baby bro rocks!

3. Swing- Go as high as you can until you feel like you are flying, or about to barf. I realize that as an adult I can not swing that high before i am  in danger of the latter.

4. Spa day- ENOUGH SAID

5. Me day get away- get your self a hotel room and be as messy as you want, don't pick up after yourself, or wake up early... why? Because you can.

6. Date night- there is something amazing about hanging out with your main squeeze without the danger of a massive poopy blow out disrupting cuddle time.

I would love to hear some ways other people take moments throughout your week to enjoy your life even more. I would also like to apologize for any typos. I managed to type this while being a jungle gym for an 11 month old!

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