So, I have heard that working moms are selfish. I have heard that working moms put their desires over the needs of their child. I have heard it said "I don't understand how you could work even though you know the devastating effects it could have on your child!" I will be honest each of these statements rung, LOUDLY, in my ears as I started my first day back to work after my son was born. I shed countless tears as I read research that went back and fourth on the positive and negative impact a working mom could have on her child. I second guessed myself all the time and laid on the mommy guilt thick, but I have made so much progress as a working mommy and there are 3 things that I have been reflecting on lately:
1. I am one person- My son is going to need more than just me to be successful in his life. Who knows what his talents will be! He is going to need interactions with others. My job as a mommy is not to hoard him all to myself but to guide him in making smart choices as to who enters into his circle. Today my son has some amazing people in his life such as his grandparents, Ms. Angie, his uncles, his God parents, his adopted aunties. All these people help me as a working mom...but they help him also. They each bring something to his life that I don't.
2. I have been given a mission- Anyone knows me knows that I believe in God wholeheartedly. I also believe that we have been placed here on assignment. I new from a young age that God gave me an assignment to work with children that it seemed like the world had given up on. The doors that he has opened for me to be able to do that have been amazing. I have finally come to the realization that if God called me to do something and then blessed me to be a mother that does not mean that I must drop one mantle to carry another. I have realized that God intends for me to rely on him to fulfill what he has called me to do.
3. I am not gone forever- I get to spend some awesome time with my little man... No I don't spend every moment with him (and I honestly would want to). Yes I have to leave him sometimes in the hands of another care giver (and that is super hard). But I am still here and able to enjoy life with him. I work 50 hours Monday-Friday away from him, but I truly cherish the time that I have with him.
I would be lying if I said I had it all figured out and that it was super easy but... I don't walk out of my house with a massive amount of guilt weighing me down anymore. I see the positives of the life that my family is leading. I see the positive impact of each and every person that has supported us during this parenthood transition. I see the amazing person that my little man is growing into. I see that if God has given you a mission he will grant you the grace and support to fulfill it. I believe each mommy has an amazing story. Some mommies are stay-at-home moms and they gather so much information on their child and share things with others (saints I call these women lol). Some mommies home-school and they are causing society to ask the question what can we do to better support children in their academic endeavors. I have been called to be a working mommy at this point in my life... and honestly I'm kinda starting to enjoy it. #itwillgetbetter
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