Friday, January 10, 2014

Those days when you think...

So this week I had one of those days. You know the days I am talking about. The day when you think that you just cant take one more step without falling flat on your face. Let me tell you my story. So I made the mistake of laying my son down for bed at 6:30pm because he looked super sleepy...Bad move spidey! I went to sleep at around 10:30 and then 1:30 came along and guess who was awake. That's right, you guessed it, My son and me. This night was different from the other broken sleep nights. This night he refused to go back to sleep no matter how much feeding, singing, bouncing I did. 4:30am I gave up and went to my husband with a grunt and said "I can't anymore". I passed him the wide awake baby and I crawled back into bed for one more precious hour of sleep, knowing that this would set me behind on my morning schedule but that was a risk I was willing to take. But there were lessons to be learned from this sleepless night that I hope may help someone not have to go through this (but let's face it I think nights like this are part of the mommy hazing process).

Lessons Learned

1. NEVER EVER stray from the routine. Night time routines are a working mommy's sanity. When you stray from it you run the risk of a baby that is completely thrown off which means you run the risk of writing your own sleepless night saga.
2. Find a routine that works and stick with it! SERIOUSLY!
3. Remember that not all nights are like this
4. Remember many working mommys before you have braved the infamous sleepless night and have survived.

I hope this inspires you that no matter what you are going through at the moment you can make it through! I know that this four hour of sleep fiasco I dealt with is not as serious as some of the things many of you may be going through but you can make it, God is able, and even if you have to stumble...Stumble forward!


  1. Man, I thought I was the only one lol. The crazy thing is I didn't realize how much the night time schedule was for mommy (me) also. It gets me ready for the night, and now she knows and falls asleep a lot faster. being a working mom is hard work

    1. You are so right. If I don't follow the night time schedule it is like craziness is looming. Being a working mom is definitely the hardest work I've ever loved.
